Most Respectable Dog Trainers On YouTube
In no particular order, these are some of the YouTube trainers I've found to have not only helpful content when it comes to dog behavior and training. But deliver the information in an easy and engaging way. All of these trainers have training videos to show what they do as well as informative and engaging pod casts.
NOW FIRST OFF, I am NOT affiliated with any of these dog trainers. Just a fan who loves to learn as much as possible about dog training and have come to recognize who's amazing and worth learning from. You'll notice different trainer "types". Don't let the terms confuse you. In some instances, it's the trainers preferred title, so I'm honoring that. When it comes to training you basically have the positive only trainers (or force free is what they like to be called now days). These trainers are great for puppy training and mild behavioral problems. Then you have all the "balance trainers". These are trainers who's training is mostly positive, but they will also use corrections for undesirable behaviors. The level of corrections are on a case-by-case basis depending on the dog and the severity of the issue.
To be clear, corrections are not punishment like many would have you believe. A correction lets a dog know they messed up. If you do a math problem wrong, you're going to get corrected. If you punch a person in the face, you're going to be corrected more severely. Every trainer on this list is as positive as possible with their dog training and are very respectable in what they do.
This Post At A Glance
Robert Cabral
Larry Krohn
Cesar Millan
Joel Beckman
Tom Davis
Haz Othman
Nate Schoemer
Will Atherton
Garret Wing
Honorable Mentions
Dog Daddy
McCann Dog Training
Kikopup - Emily Loraham - PO Trainer
Stonnie Dennis
STSK9 - Nico Drowaert
Robert Cabral
YouTube Channel: Robert Cabral
Type Of Trainer: Dog Trainer
Location: Malibu, CA
Started Channel: Sept. 2015
Videos To Date: 1K+
Subscribers To Date: 314K
Other Platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Website, TikTok
What He Provides: Training Videos, Podcasts, Online Courses, Training Courses, Live Chats, Merch
Description: Just watching one podcast from this man will tell you his dedication to dogs, including his own, and his wife. It's addicting. He's dabbled in dog sports. But his real passion is helping shelter dogs find balance so they can find their forever homes. His channel is a wealth of information that can help you to have the optimal bond with you and your dog. I highly recommend his channel to anybody who loves dogs and wants to grow as a dog owner.

Larry Krohn
YouTube Channel: Larry Krohn
Type Of Trainer: Purely Positive Balance Trainer
Location: Nashville, TN
Started Channel: April 2009
Videos To Date: 769+
Subscribers To Date: 143K+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Twitter
What He Provides: Training Videos, Pod Casts, Private & Group Classes, Book On E-Collar Training
Description: Former federal agent, he's been training dogs for 26+ years. He's a specialist in e-collar training but hates the title of being an "e-collar trainer". This is because his ultimate goal is to have such a solid training foundation that the e-collar is needed very little if at all. A lot of his videos are simple home video style videos. At times his words are blunt and harsh, but full of truth. He tries to deliver his information in a way that the average dog owner can understand. I highly recommended his "chats" as they are incredibly eye opening to the owner who wants a reality check and their current relationship with their dog. Just another great man when it comes to developing the best possible relationship with you and your dog built on love, trust, and respect.

Cesar Millan
YouTube Channel: Cesar Millan
Type Of Trainer: Dog Phycologist
Location: California
Started Channel: May 2006
Videos To Date: 459+
Subscribers To Date: 2.89M+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter
What He Provides: Educational Videos, Pod Casts, Training Programs, Merch & Product Line, Books
Description: I don't think Cesar needs much introduction. He's well known for his show "The Dog Whisperer". He's gotten a lot of flak for his techniques. But you can't argue with the results. When a dog is spared from euthanasia or gets to live a happier freer life, that's the best thing we can ask for any dog right? The only real critique for Cesar would be that his methods are not easily understood by the average individual. It's not so much what he does vs what he's projecting when he's working with dogs. I can see with some of the people he works with the lack of understanding of how to project and express the calm assertiveness energy that Cesar does. It's a rare talent and is key to the "magic" he provides when he's working with these dogs.

Joel With Beckman's Dog Training
YouTube Channel: Beckman's Dog Training
Type Of Trainer: Balance Dog Trainer
Location: Romona, CA
Started Channel: August 2013
Videos To Date: 629+
Subscribers To Date: 551K+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Pod Cast
What He Provides: Training Videos, Pod Casts, Become A Dog Trainer Course, Dog Training Sessions, Merch
Description: Joel is a former Killer Whale trainer who got into training mostly fearful and reactive dogs. He's got a talent for it and provides videos of his work with various types of dogs. He prides himself on his helper dogs Bosco and Prince who have assisted him in select cases to correct unacceptable behaviors in disrespectful dogs. Through watching and listening to a lot of his content/pod casts. My critique for Joel would be his ego and the sense of entitlement he has. Many of the other trainers seem much more humble. But all in all, his channel is full of valuable content to anybody looking to help with their own dogs' issues. His podcasts are entertaining to listen to and cover not only dog topics, but various other topics including the importance of family and other odd ball topics. Currently he's also promoting a course for people who want to become professional dog trainers. As well as how to train your very own helper dog to assist you.

Tom Davis Dog Training
YouTube Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Type Of Trainer: Balance Dog Trainer
Location: Clifton Park & Half Moon, NY
Started Channel: June 2014
Videos To Date: 869+
Subscribers To Date: 930K+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
What He Provides: Training Videos, Online Courses, Private & Group Training Sessions, Pod Casts
Description: Tom with Upstate Canine Academy works with a variety or challenging dogs from reactive, aggressive, fearful, etc. He's young but he's got great talent and natural ability for training. He's great at explaining what he's doing and why in order to help the common dog owner understand what he is doing to help their dog succeed. He currently travels around the globe educating people about their dog(s) and even on the proper use of tools (if needed).

Haz Othman with Sheild Canine Dog Training
YouTube Channel: Sheild Canine Dog Training
Type Of Trainer: Protection/Sport Dog Trainer
Location: Canada
Started Channel: Nov 2015
Videos To Date: 910+
Subscribers To Date: 151K+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
What He Provides: Training Videos, Online Courses, Private & Group Training Sessions, Pod Casts & Live Chats, Merch & Gear
Description: I'm surprised Haz doesn't have a bigger following then he does. Of course, I think he just doesn't market himself as much as he could. He's an awesome protection dog trainer and enjoys competition sports like IGP. While those types of training are his passion, he also does a lot of pet dog training with reactive, aggressive and fearful dogs. His training is fair but firm. He's fun to listen to on his live chats and brings up a variety of topics. If you have an interest in his type of training, or chats on controversial subjects, I highly recommend him.

Nate Schoemer
YouTube Channel: Nate Schoemer
Type Of Trainer: Purely Positive Balance Trainer
Location: United States
Started Channel: June 2009
Videos To Date: 359+
Subscribers To Date: 291K+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter
What He Provides: Training Videos, Online Training Courses
I haven't watched as much of Nate's content. But the stuff I have seen shows his amazing ability with dogs and training. He's great at what he does and offers online dog training classes on his website. Like many of the best balance trainers, his focus is on a positive experience for both owner and dog so they can grow and learn together.

Will Atherton Canine Training
YouTube Channel: Will Atherton Canine Training
Type Of Trainer: Balance Dog Training
Location: United Kingdom
Started Channel: Nov 2019
Videos To Date: 752+
Subscribers To Date: 852K+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Instagram
What He Provides: Training Videos, Online Training Courses
Description: If you want to feel like you're learning dog training from a Viking, Will is your guy. He provides educational and informational videos (and with a great accent). He's great at explaining his methods and communicating that to the dog. From aggressive & reactive dogs to simple training tweaks, there's a little of everything for everybody.

Garret Wing with American Standard Dog Training
YouTube Channel: American Standard Dog Training
Type Of Trainer: Balance Dog Training
Location: South Florida
Started Channel: Oct 2019
Videos To Date: 1,233+
Subscribers To Date: 1.93M+
Other Platforms: Website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
What He Provides: Training Videos, Online Training Courses, Merch
Description: I'm almost embarrassed to say I'm not that familiar with Garret Wing considering his following and number of videos he has. I've recently become aware of Garret via being a special guest on some of the other trainer's pod casts. Garret has a more than qualified background for being a dog trainer coming from a police dog training background. So far in watching his material he's got great informational content. He works with a variety of dogs from the simple pet dog to the dangerous "man eaters". He knows his stuff and his channel is very engaging. My one critique is that he seems to rely pretty heavily on tools in his training like e-collars and pinch collars. Tools have their place in dog training when used correctly. But I don't like when I see them used on young puppies that are just learning the concept of training.

Honorable Mentions
The following trainers are folks I'm either less familiar with, or don't think they quite make the cut. But they have good content to offer.
Dog Daddy
The reason I don't have Augusto listed above is that though he is an excellent dog trainer. Most of his content (from what I've seen) is more entertainment based than educational, some of it even looks staged a lot of times. And yes, I know I said all the trainers on this list start out positive. But Augusto is a little different in that he's often taking on the most EXTREME dogs. The dogs he handles are so out of control that they require a direct "You cannot do this behavior anymore", approach. There's not a whole lot of his content for the average dog owner to use unless you want to risk getting bitten. He does have a little variety in channel including some videos or traditional training. So, if you search, I think he has a little something for everybody.

Laura is a little newer of a presence on YouTube and therefore has a smaller following than some of the others. But if you're interested in trick training or service dog videos, then Laura has the perfect content for you. Her upbeat personality alone makes her great to watch. Especially if you're just having a "ruff" kind of day.

McCann Dog Training
This is a group of trainers in Canada and from what I've seen they use a lot of great positive techniques. Any corrections I've seen them do are very mild from saying "hey" to a simple leash pop. Doing a search on their channel, it doesn't look like they really do aggressive dogs. But they are the perfect channel to watch if you have a puppy or mild behavioral issue.

Emily is a positive only trainer. I'll admit, I don't really watch her videos. I've seen a couple but it's not really my style of content. However, a lot of people really love her videos. She only really trains and works with her own dogs which is perfectly fine. But that also means you won't see many videos on fixing other people's dogs. There's a lot of great training tips and advice to somebody starting out with a puppy or a dog with mild issues.

Stonnie Dennis
I've watched a few of his videos and they were great content. He's got a unique looking training course that he uses. I haven't seen much in the way of aggressive dogs that he's trained but he's got a variety of videos from training, to how to teach different tricks, to learning about different dog breeds, etc. There's some great info which makes it worth the watch.

STSK9 - Nico Drowaert
Nino is a newer trainer I've come a crossed that seems to have recently ramped up his YouTube channel in the last few years. From what little I've seen of him he's clearly an amazing trainer and is into sport dog type of training. He's done both positive only training and balance training so there's a little something there for everybody.

Wrap It Up!
If you think somebody is missing from this list (and I know there is), I'm open to hearing who you like. These are the folks I'm more familiar with and like what they do. Some of the other "trainers" I looked at either didn't have as entertaining or informative videos. Or didn't have as much training content.
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Photo Credits:
Robert Cabral: Photo from his website
Larry Krohn: Photo from his website
Cesar Millan: Photo from dailyfreeman .com
Beckman's Dog Training: Photo from his website
Upstate Canine Academy: Photo from his website
Sheild Canine: Photo from his website
Will Atherton: Photo from K9 Magazine
Nate Schoemer: Photo from Pet Companion Magazine
Garret Wing: Photo from Canvas Rebel Magazine
Dog Daddy: Photo form Dog Daddy's Instagram Doggie-U: Photo form her Website
McCann Dog Training - Photo from their YouTube
Kikopup - Photo from her YouTube
Stonie Dennis - Photo from his YouTube
STSK9 - Nino Drowaert - Photo from his website