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Dog Costume Ideas (Featuring Keeneye)

Okay so not all of these are costumes. But they can double as both functional and a costume. Keeneye was my first dog and boy was tolerant when it came to trying on different outfits, some more unique than others.


My Little Hiker: At one point, we went through a hiking phase where I got Keeneye set up with his own hiking gear. It was good for pictures, but then I realized we don’t do enough hard-core trips to justify using the backpack. Plus, Keeneye loves to run around so much it would have destroyed the backpack.

Raincoat: This was more of a “just for fun” project that got a couple of uses. I cut a raincoat meant for people, into a shape and size that would fit Keeneye. This definitely rips easily with an active dog that runs through bushes, but it worked!

Warm Coat & Shoes: Working in the dog world you get of a hold of different pet items. We acquired a coat and some shoes. Ultimately, with Keeneye being a husky mix and more of a city pup (at the time), he didn’t need the extra apparel. But he makes it look good!

Cow Dog: Each year in Cedar Fort, UT we’d attend the 24th of July rodeo. The grounds allow dogs. So each year, it was time for Keeneye to get his cow-pup on.

Canine Good Citizen (CGC): Keeneye took a few classes in his day. This included agility, reliable recall, and CGC "Canine Good Citizen". Passing the CGC class basically certifies your dog as being a good little public citizen and is the first step in moving on to therapy dog work. After passing the class, I went ahead and had a cute little vest made for him where he can exhibit his AKC CGC patch. In this particular photo, I had not quite gotten the patch added to the vest yet.

Halloween Costumes

Clown Fish: His clown fish costume has been his most difficult costume to make. It only lasted long enough to take his photo. The fins were held on this elastic and the stripes were painted. His tail curled into the tail fin perfectly.

Zebra: A full body paint job, this one took some time to complete. He’s a good boy about staying still for his paint sessions, but the amount of paint on this particular get up must have felt a little funny as he was quick to roll around in the grass to try and remove it.

Tiger: With his natural color already being orange, the tiger look was a no brainer. In fact, many people would ask me what breed he was, thinking that it was his natural color. The paint used in all these costumes have been non toxic kids paint for the facial details, and for his body I use the Halloween spray paint meant for people hair. It washes out pretty good. The stripes take a little time to to fade away after washes.

What unique costumes or outfits have you done with your dog? I’d love to hear it!

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